In a recent update from Facebook which now allow publishers to add Send button on website or blog. Almost everyone on internet has a facebook account and too have a social circle around the globe. Using a new send button user can share information in their network. In a recent post I explained about the Tell a friend button for WordPress, and facebook send button is quite similar to it. In the article we will learn to add new Facebook Send Button on WordPress blog.

Facebook Send Button on WordPress

Facebook Send button for WordPress

How Facebook Send Button Works ?

The new facebook send button allows users to share your content with their friend using an email to any email address or inbox them on Facebook. A user can also mention the name of the Group and post the URL on the group wall.

Facebook Send Button Code

In WordPress blog, effective placement for send button is on single post, as usually a visitor will only share it after go through the post. Below is the send button code for WordPress to add facebook send button on single post and you can add the code in single.php file.

Make sure you take full backup of single.php file using FTP before modifying it.

<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script>
<fb:send href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>" font=""></fb:send>

Is that it ?

No it is not. The above code snippet will just add Send button on your WordPress blog, but so far I believe this method will not be that effective, as Stand Alone Send button will be less prominent. But, if we combine and add a Facebook Like  Button with Send Button and it will increase your Like Counter as well. Below is the code snippet to add facebook send and like button together, and you can add the code in single.php file.

Make sure you take full backup of single.php file using FTP before modifying it.

<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script>
<fb:like href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>" send="true" layout="button_count" width="300" show_faces="true" font=""></fb:like>

Now, the above code will add Like button followed by new send button. I hope facebook send button will be effective for visitors and sharing information around their networks will be flexible now. Let us know about this new development from facebook by posting a comment below.

If you have any query or require further assistance, you can post comment as your feedback.