Twitter announced an official share button, which works same as a Tweetmeme button, but it is developed by twitter. You can see the screenshot below with different types of twitter button shapes to fit best for your layout. As mentioned above twitter button is similar to  Tweetmeme button which I explained in Tutorial to add Twitter Share Retweet Button on WordPress Blog.

Official Twitter Button Count

New Twitter Share

The new twitter button features to have better customization and in addition to it includes account recommendation. For instance if you have two different twitter handles, you can customize new twitter button in a way, a vistor can share post using one handle, and recommend with the another handle.

In this tutorial, we will learn to add new twitter button on wordpress blog.

Step 1: Configure twitter button

Go to Twitter Button Page and configure the twitter button for size, url and twitter handle. (Refer to the screenshot below)

Configure Official Twitter Button Count

Customize Twitter button

Step 2: Get Twitter Button Code

Once you are done with the configuration of twitter button, scroll down and get twitter button code for your blog integration. (Refer to screenshot below)

get official twitter button code

Twitter Button Code

You can also copy the code below directly into theme file, and make sure you change the twitter handles. Here is the code below:

<a href="" data-url="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" data-count="vertical" data-via="thecreatology" data-related="Aky Joe:He is Cool!">Tweet</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Make sure you take backup before editing the code.

Now that you have the twitter button code, add twitter code in single.php or custom_fucntions.php in case of Thesis Theme. Use any FTP client and upload file on server. Refresh website to see the effect.

With this we are done adding new twitter button on blog, and come to the end of the tutorial. A lot of people have already switched with new twitter button, I hope this tutorial will be easy for you. If you have any query or need assistance post comment, as your feedback, I will get back to you asap!