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WP Stats not working on WordPress Blog says not authorized to view the stats

A recent update from the Automatic company which runs WordPress is innovating its cloud architecture day by day. Today, when I logged in my Dashboard, I found that my WordPress Stats not working, as it said “Your account, akyjoe is not authorized to view the stats of this blog.”

WP Stats error on Blog

I logged in my WordPress account to check my WordPress API key, but everything seemed to be fine. Then I looked up on web and found couple of announcements from the WordPress regarding WP Stats plugin issue. In this article we will learn to fix wp stats problem on wordpress blog.

How to fix WP Stats issue ?

Since WordPress Stats plugin has been updated with the launch of latest plugin by Automatic, is JetPack. So, in order to fix wp-stats plugin, refer to the article to install jetpack plugin for wordpress.

After you install jetpack plugin for wordpress, you will see the a message saying that “Jetpack contains the most recent version of the Stats plugin. The old version has been deactivated and can be removed from your site.” You can refer to the screenshot below.

JetPack Plugin Welcome Message!

Now once the plugin is installed you will notice that the old wordpress stats plugin will be deactivated and the stats will be replaced by the new wp stats by jetpack, as you can see the screenshot below.

New WpStats by JetPack

When I fixed this issue and I found that the latest version of stats is more precise and it gives more detailed reports about the site visits and hits. I hope this tutorial will fix problem of wp stats easily.

If you have any query or need any further assistance, you send us feedback by posting a comment below.

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