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WordPress 3.6 Version “Oscar” Launched for Power Users

A much awaited version of WordPress 3.6 “Oscar” is finally out of the jingle box. It is a stable release, especially for the Power Users, with a mobile responsive theme Twenty Thirteen and Revision History Engine. WordPress also claims to save post revision history, for each post-type, over 150 years only if you can survive up to that. LOL!

WordPress 3.6 Version “Oscar”

Why WordPress 3.6 Oscar ?

According to WP-Team, the version 3.6 is named after a great Jazz Pianist from Canada, Oscar Peterson.

Features for Blogger / User

There are no hidden features in WordPress 3.6, but here is a quick view below:

Features for Developers

There are many more uncovered features in this version, important for your website or your client’s project development. So, stay tuned for more articles on WordPress 3.6 development.

Is Upgrading to WP 3.6 Safe?

WordPress 3.6 is a stable release, hence upgrading to WordPress 3.6 is absolutely safe. If you’re cooking something beyond the recipes of WordPress, then you might experience tasteless & sour layouts. 😛

Did you update WordPress, yet? If Yes, how is the experience so far? If No, what are you wondering about WordPress 3.6? Do let us know by posting a comment below.

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