When it comes to great features, Thesis WordPress Theme is what comes in my mind for a WordPress Blog or website. Being a Thesis Developer, I believe Thesis Theme is highly SEO optimized with many other flexible options.
In this tutorial, I will guide you to install Thesis theme on a WordPress Blog. If you haven’t bought a Thesis Theme yet, then you can buy/download your thesis copy now by visiting the link: Download Thesis Theme
After buying, login to the Thesis Theme account on DIYThemes, where you can have a fresh copy of Thesis WordPress Theme and it will be in a Zip format. (Save the zip file on your hard disk for future reference)
Once you have the thesis theme, follow the procedure below:
- Step #1: Login to the WordPress Dashboard Admin and navigate to Appearances > Themes. (you can also refer the screen shot below)
- Step #2: On clicking the Themes menu item under Appearance, we land to Theme Management for WordPress. Select the Install Themes Tab and further click on Upload link. Using the Browse button navigate and select the thesis_18.zip file on the hard disk. Now, click the Install Now button to upload it. (you can also refer the screen shot below)
- Step #3: On next screen, click on Activate button to apply Thesis as your WordPress Blog Theme now. If not now, we can also skip this step, by clicking on the Return to Theme page button. (you can also refer the screen shot below)
- We are done: On activating Thesis theme in the above step, you will be redirected to the Thesis Site Options Page and greeted with a welcome message, which indicates that the Installation of Thesis theme was successful. (you can also refer the screen shot below)
With this we come to end of this tutorial, but you can look up or play around with Thesis Options. For any query or further assistance required post your feedback as comments below.
I will come up with more articles on Thesis Options and Customizations soon. If your WordPress blog is currently using a custom theme, then you can redesign it using the Thesis Theme Services.