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Quick-n-Easy way to Create Twitter Background – Part 1 [Design Layout]

You must be thinking why am I writing this article, when Mashable already has explained about Twitter Backgrounds 2.5 years back. Well, reply to this thought, is this article in which you will learn Quick way to create custom Twitter Background. If you are tired of changing or have spent a lot of bucks in getting a Custom Twitter Background, then this article is for you.

Last December 2011, Twitter changed its User Interface layout for the second time. Well, it happened for good, as Twitter adapted new html5 features. It sure is surprising for Tweeple (people who tweet), whereas annoying for few, who paid so much to get Custom Twitter Background done and it needs rework again.

Don’t worry, I have a tutorial for you below which will help you to create twitter background easily. The tutorial is divided into three parts: Basic Requirements, Prepare Theme & Design Twitter Background Layout.

Basic Requirements

Here is a list of items you need, to create custom Twitter background:

Prepare Theme

This is an important part of the tutorial, where we will prepare and collect information to design custom twitter page. To do so, lets go through few points below:

Design Twitter Background Layout

Now that we know what we want in our theme, lets start with the layout design. Check out easy steps below:

Create Latest Twitter Layout. Best way to find out the latest twitter background layout is itself twitter, check how…

Step 1 - Latest Twitter Screenshot

Step 2 - Prepare Twitter Theme

Step 3 - Setup Guidelines for Design Phase

Now wasn’t that easy of a tutorial, just with hit of “PrntScrn” key and here we got latest twitter layout ready. Well now that we are all set with new twitter background layout and we shall proceed for the design phase. Leave your comments, incase you have any feedback, queries or doubt in your head.

PS. > Design Phase Article Link will be available shortly here. (Keep in touch via twitter or subscribe to our blog)

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