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How to add Google Analytics Code in WordPress using Thesis Theme ?

Google Analytics is a Web Analysis Tool, which gives insight of Page Visits and Daily Traffic. Google Team is improving Analytic Product day-by-day, to present more precise and accurate  reports.

Google Analytics

In the article we will learn to add Google Analytics Code in WordPress using Thesis Theme. But before that, we will have to setup Google Analytics Profile.

How to Setup Google Analytics Profile ?

Setting up Google analytics profile is not a big deal, all you need is a Google Account. If you are using Gmail or any other Google Product, then it clears that you have a Google Account associated. Login into your Gmail or any other Google account, and click here to Access Analytics. You will find something like below as in screenshot:

Google Analytics Login Page

Once we gain access to Google Analytics account, we will have to setup a profile for our website.

New Google Analytics Profile

Get Google Analytics Code

Now that we have created our profile we will now, get Google Analytics Code to Verify website.

Grab Google Analytics Code

Add Analytics Code in WordPress Thesis Theme

Adding Tracking Code in Thesis Theme is a click-a-way job. Here is how we will be going to do that:

Add Analytics Code in Thesis Site Options

We Are Done!

Now, that we have installed the tracking code on our website, you can now Verify Google Analytics Profile so that Google bots can crawl website, and track each-n-every activity on your website.

If you have any queries for further help is required you can post comment as your opinion.

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