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Design a Creative Facebook Business Cover page with Exact Dimensions [Updated]

Facebook updated it’s Business Page Cover dimensions and they are 828 X 351 pixels.

Last year December, Facebook Timeline was announced/launched for its users. Facebook Timeline organizes your profile just like a vertical scrapbook. It displays, a reverse chronological order of your statuses, photos, videos and links posted by you or tagged by your friends. I really like this feature overruling the thought, a lot of people not liking it. Duh! A change would do you good! 🙂

Draw Facebook Cover Page

Few days back, Facebook updated Timeline feature on Business Page as well, which actually made me think of this article. Well, creating a Facebook cover is no Big Deal if you upload a sunset, a pet or bunch of gorillas. Such casual and lazy efforts looks good on Personal Pages but talking of a business page, you might have to screw keep pets, nature and folks aside. Yes, to impress facebook page fans, you will have to draw some straight lines. Mmmm… we have an objective here to design Facebook business cover page precisely.

Lets quickly summarize this article for better understanding. The article has been divided into three parts: Basic Requirement, Set Cover Page Layout and Design Business Cover Page. And here we go…

Basic Requirement

Here is a list of items you need, to design Facebook Cover Page:

Set Facebook Cover Page Layout

In this step,  we will prepare Cover Page Layout to match exact dimension and it is recommended for Best results. Follow a simple procedure below:

Set Facebook Cover Page Layout

Set Guidelines Cover Page Layout

Design Facebook Business Cover Page

We are just a step away from your Awesome Business Page Design. Are you ready with your Theme ? If not, then give it a thought or you can also refer our article to Create Twitter Background. Once ready with Business Theme, with no further delay lets go ahead with Facebook Cover Page design.


Depending upon our Business place elements, like banner, slogan, punch line, logo or services in the Cover page. Feel free to express your creativity in this step, don’t forget to refer screenshot for usable and unusable area.

Place Facebook Cover Elements


Facebook avatar, so called Profile Picture is also part of Facebook Cover page. Facebook Avatar Image size is 160 x 160 pixels along with 4 pixels white border and dark 1 pixel outline around, making the Avatar Image Box as 170 x 170 pixels. (Refer to the screenshot)

Facebook Avatar Image Sizes

Already done with above two steps ? Yes: Bravo, No: Keep Working! Designing is a never ending activity and should never stop, until you are done.

You can see a Demo TheCreatology Facebook Page.

Wasn’t It fun?

I am sure it was, but its your time to express now and think with creative mind. What do you think about this article ?

Share it with friends, if it was helpful! Any doubts, use the comment box below. 😉

Why this update?

This post is updated with new Facebook Fan Page Cover Size and Dimensions, as Facebook changed Cover page dimensions.

Published on: Apr 07, 2012
Revised on: Aug 03, 2012
Revised on: Aug 17, 2016

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