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Add Facebook Like Button to Increase traffic on blog

Social market is growing with web major dominants Twitter and Facebook. With increasing traffic on websites around the globe everyday, millions of people are reading and sharing articles on these social markets. Like the tweetmeme button on twitter, Facebook has “Fshare” and “Like” button.

Facebook Like button

Most of the blogs are using “like” and “recommend” button, which helps in increasing blog traffic and social media promotion. In this article, we will learn that by adding facebook like button can increase blog traffic and how to add like button on wordpress blog.

How Facebook Like Button Increase Blog Traffic ?

Facebook is the most visited website in the online world where people with age 8-80 exists. Each user has news feed and has ability to see updates of their connections and vice-versa. Now for instance, a user Gaurav with 500 friends, when clicks a “like” button on a blog, its News Feed gets updated. When news feed is updated for a user, it automatically update it for each of the 500 friends News Feed. You can also see a screenshot below of a user Gaurav  liking a post.

News feed preview of User liked the post

This cycle continues to function when any friend of 500 connections again clicks the “like” button on its wall. And then it gets updated on its news feed and it goes on. Have you ever heard of free automatic social promotion of blog ? Well, adding like button on blog, is what is the answer to this question. Learn how to integrate like button on wordpress below.

How to add Facebook Button on WordPress Blog ?

I hope now you know the advantages of facebook “like” button and how useful is for your blog. Adding “like” button on post, will require to edit single.php like we did in our article to add Official Twitter Button Count on WordPress Blog. Paste the code snippet below and add it in single.php located in Theme Template Directory.

Make sure you backup file before you paste the code below.

<iframe src="<?php echo urlencode(get_permalink($post->ID));?&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:60px;"></iframe>

After adding the code in single.php, upload file on server, and you will be done. In order to adhere functionality for facebook like button, configure it using the following parameters:

show_face=true (true/false):- Enable friend icons below like button.

layout=button_count (standard/box_count/button_count):- Choose the layout suits best for your scenario.

Different Facebook button layout

colorscheme=light (light/dark):- You can choose the color scheme as per your blog theme.

action=like (like/recommend):- You can select between “like” and “recommend” button, though functionality is the same.

The above code uses iframe tag, which can be customized further by css styling for width and height.

With this we come to the end of this tutorial, and we have added Facebook Like button on wordpress blog. If you have any queries or need any assistance, post comment as your feedback.

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